Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27

Colin's farewell...I'll miss ya, bud. But I must say, this was one of my absolute favorite days :) I tried to snag a picture with most everyone..tried

February 26

Dan got a haircut....Thank the heavens!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 25

Bored. Alone. Tired. Great Friday night. NOT.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Testing Center,
I know it's not your fault, but I hate you.
Love, or lack thereof,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23

My entire day was spent either at school stressing out about life or on the McGuire's couch sleeping/studying. SO...I'm pictureless, but I stole and "modified" some.
Mama & Papa

Thank you guys for letting me bumb around your house, not just today, but ALL the time. It means the world to me! I love you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 22

I stole Sophie's shirt...and wore it ALL DAY BABY!

February 21

The day began with an EARLY EARLY EARLY trip to Denny's. Ashley, Jenna, Sophie, Nate ( Jenna's brother), Greg (Nate's friend), and I had fun piggin out. Haha, anyway, then I had a sleepover with Jenna and Sophie <3...yeah, heart. Them nasties.
I went with Sophie to get her Military Ball dress altered. psh. ;)

Chase, Sophie, and I went to HP7PT1...again. Don't ask.

Sheesh. It's like the premier all over again.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20

Spent the day makin' jewelry. Rock on. Get it...because there's rocks on jewelry...ROCK on. ...heh.

February 19

Bring on the cancer!

February 18

KE$HA! It was an amazing awesome $leazy great night of AWESOMENESS!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17

If only this was Holly's real wedding much money would be saved. *sigh*

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16

I went shopping with Ashley today and someone had rudely left a prom dress in the dressing room. SO naturally I absolutely had to try it on. 

And then.......

I couldn't get it off. 

Sub 0 ice cream SO COOl

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15

Every hot girl who can aim a camera thinks she's a photographer. Ooooh, you took a black-and-white picture of a lawn chair and its shadow and developed it at Save-On. You must be so brooding and deep.
-Stewie Griffin.

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Please, read my other blog. Nikole Babble
Love You.

February 13

Uh. Well. I wore cool tights...yeah. That's all.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 12

I saw the FUNNIEST play ever today with my mom! Broadway Across America came to Kingsbury Hall and preformed Monty Python's Spamalot. Okay, maybe it wasn't the funniest play ever, but it was really really funny. Not suited for children though... Favorite quotes? Sure.
"B'low Me" "wha?" "is a cave with a horrid beast"
"All for one, One for all,
Some for some
None for none
Slightly less for people we don't like..."
"You may bring on a piano,
But they will not give a damn-o
If you don't have any Jews"
"But I'm alone..
(Patsy: oh no you're not)
So all alone
(Patsy: I'm here, you twat!"
 And then I watched Easy A with a group of people. I say, that movie is too great!

February 11

I've been prolonging this post, because I was waiting for Sophia to put some pictures up on Facebook that I could steal. Anyway, I went on a super huge group date! It was so fun! Sophie and Will, Jenna and Adam, Me and Gavin....and then two couples I don't know...Ben, Mindy, Luke, Pea (she was wearing a green pea that's her nickname). We went ice skating and it was bueno! We played tag and whatnot. Jenna and I did our "spin" a couple of times. Since, you know, that's legit. (that was dripping in sarcasm)
Seth, TJ, Stuart, my apologies for the ditchingness. :(

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10

Anyway, Jenna was feeling ill today so Sophie and I took her to the health center...for like two hours. YOU'RE WELCOME JENNA!
During this time, Sophie sent ten random people this message "Sometimes when I'm in the shower washing under my arms, your face pops into my head. Is that weird?" Yup. She sent it to Holly Belnap, my friend Jake, Adam, Rachel Davis, some kid from Elementary school, a girl I haven't talked to in a million years, MAMA, and more.That girl...
 So, after class and jazz, I went to my sister's bridal shower. It was a little awkward because it was for the in-law side of the family...but whatevs.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 10

SURPRISE! Jessica popped in to say hi! What a lovely surprise :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8

I'm not trying to be mean or racist, all I am saying is that this girl looks EXACTLY like Mulan.
"Nikole! It's Mulan" -Jenna
"LEFT. Take a picture."-Jenna
"Okay. I love Asians" -Jenna

I don't think Jenna wanted us to be blue. So I made us blue ;)

Too Hot
Ashley and I went to Zupas and drank our soup....with straws.

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7 I found out that my camera makes a noise when you take a picture, so much for my sneaky shot. I just wanted everyone to see this guy's red pants. My life is so difficult sometimes.
Rain rain, don't go away.  The sun can come back another day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6

Sorry it's hard to read....
SUPER BOWL!!!! PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes.
Also, My sister, bless her heart, found a hair with 17 split ends!!! Insane.

February 5

I should get paid for stuff like this.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Firstly, I looked up my name on urbandictionary.
One who is super radatastic and mondo sexalicious
Keep that in mind. 

Secondly, mock us, scoff at us, sneer and jest
BUT remember
We can ninjutsu your A--....
Well, anyway, here's some pics

I was trying really hard to make us look even cooler.
PS: We are NOT those weird high school anime kids that dress weird and pretend that they can draw...and are socially awkward. We are just cool lookin ninjas. Admit it.
PPS: Another good song :) Private Life

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3

NO ONE can look this good in a Krispie Kream Hat.
Jenna attack!
 Sophie and I went on am amazing adventure to snag Chase (her brother) some cutsie Valentine doughnuts. Jenna didn't come because she's "too black and Nikki is racist". Hmm. Sucks for her. But we came and bugged her afterwards anyway before the FUNNEST ice skating class EVER!
That is all.
"This Jetta is stupid!"- Jenna exclaimed while driving.
"Yeah, that stupid Jenna..I mean Jetta. It's an ugly Jenna too...I mean Jetta."...ha

PS: This is a great song...If you're interested. I think it's the tops :) Far Away

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2

Taking candids can attract a lot of weird stares..Which is unfortunate, because while I was sitting in the middle of the hallway taking creeper pictures of a kid sleeping, my sister's future mother-in-law stopped to say hi. I don't think she noticed.
Well, I hope not anyway.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

New month. New Design. Haha, but really, February is the month of love. I can feel it in the air! Thick and sticky as I walk around campus.
Anyway, I wanted y'all to "meet" my cooking team!
Me! Listening to instructions or somethin..maybe I'm just glaring at another team. Probably that. Idiots.

Stephanie! Fun, awesome, cool. 

Teresa! (Or's teh-RES-uh not the-rees-uh) Also, fun, awesome, cool.
Notice our aprons. All the same. Remember that apron I made? Well, we had been bringing aprons from home for three weeks! I thought I was safe to assume that that would always be the case. I was wrong.