Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31

Yeah, I jumped the gun on my new blog design, BUT tomorrow's Friday and I know myself...meaning I probably won't change it all tomorrow. If you haven't noticed...the damask looking cake thing is to symbolize April being my birthday month, so I'm not all crazy.
Ladies Man chin is in a good place...

60 Harris looks a lot different now-a-days..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30- Sophia

 Today while walking back to my car, I ran into Sophie. I usually don't take that route, but felt like I should today...Oh. My. Goodness. It was fate! I kid I kid. Anyway, I was joking around about how my post today was ALL about her, little did she know that my joking wasn't joking at all! Muhaha.

Did you know that the name "Sophia" means wisdom? That's my intro. When I accidentally ran into this girl today, I was coming from something rather rough and I was in a melancholy mood, but when I saw her, I couldn't help but smile. She's so sweet, full of fun, a wonder example, and really really great :) I still can't get over how fast we became friends, although we did have a rather awkward first night. Trip to a waterfall, no shower, silence. Yeah...haha We're both a little weird, which suits me just fine!


First ever picture of us

There's so many wonderful qualities about this girl that I would love to emulate. She's very dedicated to everything she takes part in. And she does a lot of service, which is incredible. She's so laid back and cool. I love her. She's one of my best friends, and I will REALLY miss her this summer.

Hey Sophie! Remember...
  • when we stole the hot cocoa at my bank, and we both got tons of blue dums-dums...and you rudely swapped my blueberry one for a cottoncandy
  • when we broke Ashley's sandwich maker and blamed Amy
  • when we ate half a bag of corn each..and stuff
  • when we convinced Jenna that I hid a breast-pump under my bed
  • when we had physical science together
  • when we saw HP7 twice
  • when we got 100% on our exams
  • when you text that big hit for me
  • and, well everything else??

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29-Old Friends.

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget"
Artistic (?) foot picture of Andrew and I at the falls

Each flag represents where someone is going on their mission

Like the flags, each temple is from the place where each roomie was called to serve

Jessica after falling in love with mushrooms...

FIRE! (again)

Stephen will save us all (new friends are great too)

Odd double spaghetti?

Warren FINALLY wrote back

Today I got a text from good friend Andrew. I was happily surprised seeing as I haven't talked to this guy in for-to-the-ever (I just made that up, I'm so legit..). Anyway, we ditched our rappelling plan, lame I know, and went to Bridal Veil instead. Okay. Cold. haha, we ate my little box of homemade candy and then met up with my other good friend Jessica. We made delicious tetrazzini in the midst of Andrew's chaotic kitchen and just talked :) We spent four hours doing that, but it seemed like twenty minutes to me. It's crazy.

Back in the day..
I miss my old friends. I've made so many new friends this year, and I think that's great, but I've hit a little snag in my life that only the long-time love of good friends can fix...I guess is one way to say it. I'm sad to see Andrew leave soon on his big ol' mission to Japan, but I'm super excited for him too. :) I miss Emily terribly...even though we had gone a long while without really seeing each other before she left. I'm sad to see Jessica leave for the summer in just a short month. I'm sad to have not heard from Stephanie in a while. I'm sad to see Spencer leave...and I regret not spending time with him of late. I'm sad to see Steven leave too.

...really I'm just sad that I let myself lose contact with some of the people that I have felt the most loved by and the most love for.

Friends forever.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28

I went to the movies with my mom today, but other than that...boring. When I'm bored, I mess with photos..I messed with a lot. I even started a facebook album just for my messed with photos. ha..

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27

Sometimes I wake up and I feel like an 80's rockstar.
Sometimes I wake up and I feel like an 80's rockstar so I take a picture and create an album cover that loosely resembles that of an actual 80's rockstar.

March 26

COLOR FESTIVAL!! So, I went to the color festival for the first time with my good buddies, Stu, Jenna, Sophie, Marissa, Karlie, Will, and Chase. I lost all but Stu and Jenna in the crowd... :(

March 25

Sophie & Nikole
Thanks for the great artwork Sophie :) And by the way, I finally saw's INCREDIBLE!

..."So you're being strangely cryptic as you wrap your magic hair around my injured hand..."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24

I'm 4454 yeah. check it. (Sophie got the same score, so yay for US)
AH HA! For all you avid followers, I have fixed my computer problem (kinda) and can once again post pictures (for now). Here's the up and up (or whatever the phrase is)...actually that's not even what I want. Whatever, here's an actual picture from my actual day, just like it should be.                                  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23

Well. I'm out of ideas and still can't post pictures. SOOO I just copied and pasted this post from my other case you don't follow it. However, I already accomplished one thing on this list since I posted it on the 7th. Enjoy.

1. Make-out in through a pair of hazmat suits.
2. Skinny dipping...because for some reason, I haven't yet
3. Ride in a hot air balloon
4. Go somewhere in an airplane, or just go on an airplane ride...or just be in an airplane
5. See the ocean, the real live ocean
6. Kiss a stranger...make it a good kiss.
7. Touch an iceberg
8. Kiss in the rain
(lots of kissin...)
9. Get flowers for no reason
10. Perform in a band..for more than Seth's family.

11. Touch a giraffe
12. Have my portrait painted or sketched
13. Ride in a Limo
14. Another kiss one? Kiss with an electric shock.
15. Ride in a convertible
16. Make a cake and get paid for it!
17. Meet the love of my life
18. Have Vegas!
19. Steal a street sign

21. Jump into water from rather high, fully clothed
22. Glitter fight
23.  Kiss underwater
24.  Dress up to be super gorgeous and fancy for no reason...if I can't find a good reason...
25. Someone sing a song to me

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 19-22

Alright...I'm WAY behind. I could continue to blame by lack of posting on my computer's stupidity and therefore my inability to post photos, so I will. BUT I don't want my many followers to think I have die, because I am very much alive, I think.  Well I don't have much to I'm just gonna just say stuff, I guess.

With High School Prom coming up, I have this desire within me (perhaps it's my fashion gene) to look at prom dresses. I never went to prom (cue dramatic music and sniffling)...but I would like to again thank Stuart for taking me to Senior Ball. Anyway, these are some of my dream prom dresses...if only I had an occasion to wear them..or if I could pull them off...

Yeah...the last one is still a dream prom dress..just a realistic one I wore! haha...oh we're hot. 
Let's see what else can I bore you with...?
Eh. I'll come up with something sometime. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 18

Still havin' troubles uploading pictures..stupid crashed computer. Anyway, I'm gonna catch up with some more weird posts.
Ten Guilty Pleasures:

*Disclaimer: don't hold these against me...also, they're not skanky so if that's what you want, follow Gaga's twitter

1.  Number 4. Okay, Jimmer Fredette is ALL the rage right now. That's cool and everything..but who do I enjoy watching play?? 4. Jackson Emery. He just is so niiiiccceee to watch. Good height (6'3"), and he is GOOD, great even.

2. Trashy celebrity gossip magazines. You expect me to walk away when Billy Ray Cyrus: I Called Off My Divorce just jumps right out at me?? Like honestly..

3. Shopping...mostly jewelry. Honestly! Do I need more jewelry??? Absolutely not! ...and yet I spend and spend and spend. Guilt.

4.Setting aside time to study and then...not. Story of my life. In fact, right now is my "study time"

5. Drawing. I draw on everything all the time. It's annoying.

6. Heels. Why? Because I always wear them...or do when I can at least. Ah! LOVE.

7. Easy A 1. I should NOT quote that movie as often as I do 2. I should STOP watching it over and over and over and over again...

8. Baking. I adore baking, but I am not a fan of sweets. So..I either give 'em away or they just go to waste. shrug. Oh well.

9. Drying flowers. I have never received flowers that I did not dry and adorn my room with...what a depressing decoration that I just love.

10. Pretending to still live at Heritage with my old roomies. I'm there all the time, I'm sure their real roomies are less than happy about it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 17

Angry's green in honor of the holiday. In fact, just think of it as an angry leprechaun. 
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

"The shamrock is a religious symbol. St. Patrick said the leaves represented the trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That's why four leaf clovers are so lucky, you get a bonus Jesus"
-Stephen Colbert

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 15

Ashley helped me to dye my hair today. It looks LEGIT. My inspiration? Mona Lisa Vito from My Cousin Vinny My hair doesn't look anything like her's, but she was still my inspiration. Also, I wish I had the same voice as her.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14

Today was full of fun and stuff. Um. Like I said earlier, I can't post any I'm give you a slice of me life, if you will.
50 Q&A's about ME, if you can handle it.
..and by "50" I mean "15"

1. What was the last movie you watched?
Land Before Time...yes, the little kid dinosaur movie. I watched it last night. Wanna know what's worse? I cried. BUT you can't blame me! When Little Foot's mom dies, you have to admit that's miserable!

2. What is your best physical feature?
Um..I like my hair?

3. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be?
I really have no idea, but if I had to pick Zac Efron (Don't Judge). I just saw 17 Again and he is FINE in that movie. Yum.

4. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes. Constantly. I'm a mumbler I mumble to myself...ALL the time I'm sure if you have ever met me ever this conversation has occurred:
Me: mumble..mumble
You: What?
Me: Oh nothing
You: What? Tell me.
Me: Nevermind

5. If they made a movie of your life, what actress would play you?
Emma Stone. Just let me dream.

6. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
Hair style..including facial hair, which I don't dig.

7. Are you missing anyone?
I miss Stuart and our old times.
I miss Jackson SO much!
I miss being Sophie's roommate
I miss Jasmine and our mischievous adventures.
I miss Jordan Peterson.
I miss Lewis.
I miss Betsy.
I miss so many people.

8. Are you touchy feely?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Although, I do love the occasional backscratch or massage.

9. What's your main ringtone?
"I gotta I gotta I gotta I got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine"

10.  What did the last text on your phone say?
Jenna: "My question is why is there a llama on freakin campus?!"
Me: "C2G man!"

11. Do you trust people easily?
Very. Does "very" work grammatically? Um..I trust people very easily. Don't use that against me.

12. Have you ever cried for no reason?
I feel like I always have a reason to cry when I cry. :)

13. What superstition to you believe/practice?
A lot of them! Like a lot a lot. Tossing salt over the shoulder, knocking on wood, avoiding cracks on the sidewalk, etc..

14. Who's bed did you sleep in last night?
Who needs to know??! own.

15. Where would you rather be right now?
Anywhere. AWAY from here.

March 13

My computer crashed...ugh. SO, I'm behind and practically pictureless. I have to steal pictures from Sophie. SO I hope I can make these few posts interesting.
I hung out at the park with Sophie, Jenna, Will, Ben and Luke today. I had so much fun! These guys are great!!!!
The spider. Classic

Buff Luke. He's so...buff.
They're so coordinated (fashionably so)
Nice Ben!
ahem..uh..nice Will
Nice Luke! I mean..Sophie
It was so nice to be outside, and I love these people! Haha and getting to know them :)