Sunday, July 31, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

July 28-High Quality Jewelry I wore this necklace all day and I noticed something lame when I finally got home. neck is green.

Oh and by the way,
Welcome to my life for the next month..

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 27-Grandma Jolly's Jolly Recipes

My grandma asked me to compile all of her mother's handwritten recipes into one typed up book. It takes A LONG time to decipher the handwriting and type it up, but this is definitely one of the coolest projects ever. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26th: Aliens.

I don't know what happened with the past really. It just....disappeared and took my blog with it. Aliens. I  blame them. Also...Aida has made me paretty busy. So, I'M SO SORRY!!!!

I have some pictures though..
Too cute
Oh yeah

It would be cooler if we weren't covered in letters...especially the ones that spell out "50 ways to please your lover"

Here's Emily and I havin' a party tanning :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 17-Farewell Elder Wilcox

Skyler's farewell was today. I couldn't go due to my car being stupid and him being in Logan. . . Not a good mix. Anyway, I feel really bad about it :( BUT here's what I would bet money on (if I could gamble). I bet his farewell talk was amazing, I bet his family had some kind of excellent food lined up, I bet everyone loves him and is proud of him, and I bet he will be a really really great missionary. I haven't known him very long at all, but I really think he'll be a perfectly lovely missionary. My prayers are with him and I wish him luck. :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16th-Home on a Weekend Night?

How very rare. . . I'm home on a Saturday night. I'm not sure I should be left to entertain myself. . .

Also, totally rocked the high pony!

July 15-A Day of Busy Nothing

Cest La Vie.

Friday, July 15, 2011

July-14 HP7P2P

Slytherin is obviously the best.
Harry Potter 7 Part 2 Premier! Rock On! Although. . .I kinda just go for the party. I'm not much of a fan, Jessica didn't approve of my opinions (she's a HUGE-O fan). It was fun and the movie was good too. . .ish.

July 13-Fluffy :)

Fluffy and I

July 12-I'm a liar

I know that I said I would post later on Monday. . .because Andrew left, and I thought I would have a lot to say, and I do. . .but I don't. So I kinda lied. Andrew's been one of my best friends for years. He's amazing. Really. He's ALWAYS happy. And I love him. And I'll miss him. So so much. I guess that's all I can really say here, not because I have any like secret feelings or anything, but because I just can't. ?

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 7-11-I'm not dead yet

It's 7-11! AND I'm doin days 7-11! Crazy!!! So, I know I'm way behind, but I've been kinda busy. . .just with life.
And there's nothing too crazy to say. I think I'll probably post again later tonight, but yeah. I do have a kinda awesome story though.
Soooo I walk this HUGE dog, Zeke.When I first started walking Zeke, I was very scared at him, and he would growl and nip at me. No fun, but anywhoozle he has a "friend" Zeus that I do not walk. Why? Well, Zeus is really rather aggressive.
Anyway, usually Zeus just barks a lot and leaves me alone while I clean the yard, but not today. I was scrapin poo off the patio on the other side of a covered pool when I hear tons of barking and saw a ginormous dog bounding across the rippling pool cover. It was Zeke, but he wasn't wagging his tail and he was growling and bein' all vicious like.
I turned on my cute-talk-to-dogs-slash-babies voice and reassured Zeke that it was just me, but he kept coming. Then I heard another bark. Zeus was running (as best he could) at me, teeth barred and snarlin. I was terrified. I mean seriously, these dogs are SO DANG BIG! Sandlot dogs. ha, anyway, now I had two big crazy dogs after me. No good.
But it turns out Zeke wasn't after me at all. He jumped right in between Zeus and me and started staring Zeus down. I started backing away toward the gate when Zeus ran past Zeke at me. Guess what? Zeke protected me AGAIN! He actually bit Zeus' head and knocked him aside with his shoulder. Then he stayed between the two of us until I was safely out of the yard. It was so awesome.
This dog that I was so so SO scared of, saved my life! Okay. . .that's a bit dramatic. But, it was just cool.
Preparations for Big HP2P2P are underway!

I ADORE driving when it's REALLY hot with music blaring, windows down, sunglasses on, and too cool attitude. I think it's certainly one of my favorite things to do ever.


Braided Emily's hair in church. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 6-It's kinda like paying attention

Emily's new tattoo that I may or may not have drawn
I went to Institute today. . .I had fun, and really enjoyed the lesson that I payed very close attention to. . .

July 5-Ze Park

Emily and I took a walk through a beautiful park today :) It was great, and, uh, beautiful.

It's art, okay? 

July 4-Cul de sac of FIRE

Happy 4th of July!
I know I haven't been posting like I should, but life is crazy? (ish) I guess. . .

Anyway, today was full of. . .

And it was the best celebration ever!

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 3-Back to the Y

I went to my single's ward today (finally). It was weird. Mostly because I was back on campus. My bishop is pretty sweet though, and I was happy to meet him. Emily and I didn't exactly know where to go in the big ol' JFSB. . .which resulted in an early end to church, but it was still nice :) . . .and weird. I had sacrament in my Archaeology in classroom. . .

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 2- LaGoOn!!!

Can you say "One of the funnest days ever on the face of the planet with all my old buds?" Okay. . well I can!

The Lagoonies. (Leanna came later and Jeremy was taking the picture, so just MOST of the Lagoonies)

The only ones brave enough to really get wet


Carousel Power

Friends Forever <3

July 1-My Mom's turn

My mom stole my camera as I was getting ready for rehearsal. Soooo I guess this is the picture for today? Also, I know I need to change my background still, but be patient please! I'm already so behind! :)

June 30-This is what we do

Andrew, Emily, and I. Reunited at last. haha...and doing what we always do. It's weird. We've all changed so much, but we're still the same. Ah! It's weird!

June 29-The Glowing Pipe

This pipe in my house mysteriously started glowing today for about an hour. I suspect foul play.