Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 27-Job Fair

So...I'm going to Russia. Yeah I know, I have NO money. Which means I have one year to raise 3 thou (as they say..). If anyone has any ideas..PLEASE let me know! I'm going to volunteer with little kids, teaching them English among other things; I kind of signed up on a kind of impulse. I've been wanting to travel and volunteer for a LONG really sucked last year when I almost went to New Zealand, but it was tooooooo much.

September 26-Shout Out To Ginger!

Ginger has been my dog since I was about ...10 ish. I love her! I absolutely love her! But she's really sick.... :(
her little tongue is sticking out!!

September 25-Talk

I gave a talk today in church. I don't give talks very in like I was pretty scared. But apparently I touched the heart of one women. I don't know how exactly, but she said I had a "sweet humility" and even teared up as I got to talking to her. It was kind of a cool experience :)

Also, McGuire Football Night! Yeah...I had no idea it meant PLAYING football til I got there. But it was fun :)...even though I does Dan though!

September 24- Hair...

I'm trying to fixed my fried's red. I hate it.

I should've stopped here!

I enhanced it...

September 23-Seth Straight.?..take as you will

I straightened Seth's hair today...he shouldn't straighten it...

September 22-My Parent's Birthdays!

It was my Dad's and Mama's birthday today! :) AND Mama got back from China. I missed her..
Sarah took us out for my Dad's birthday...mmm.

September 21-Lady Gaga? J-lo?

September 20-I'm Still A Dogwalker!....Right?

I think I'm losing my job....:(

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 19-Benjamin Clayton

I decided I wanna take a whack at writing like an American Colonialist, specifically Benjamin Franklin. You see, I was in English class when I made the slightly controversial statement that Benjamin Franklin wasn't really as kind funny, and outgoing as his writings suggest, but is merely a master of rhetoric. Anyway, I was commended for the comment and so, being the genius I am, I replayed my brilliance in my mind. It resulted in me thinking like a colonialist while shoveling dog poop in the yard of some wealthy hicks. Long story made slightly longer, I narrated my day and decided to write it all down for the "enjoyment" of my readers. All 1,000,000,000,000,000 of you.

Intelligent face

The Morn
To name an industry after a kind of fruit, no matter how desirable, plump, delicious, is not an action I find clever nor satisfying. However, I s'pose the naming of an industry, of which size seems to be related to quality in a most unfortunate of way,  matters little when compared to the value of a product. But, however disagreeable it might be, I found that the product of one large manufacturer, Apple, became every day of more importance, as the other methods of extracting and enjoying such artists as Vivaldi as well as Mozart and Gwen Stefani failed in comparison ; and, when I awoke, I was despaired to find that this device was missing, as it had been since two days previous. Thus, I spent the morning desperately searching for this gadget to no avail.  I went on, nevertheless, with a good deal of patience, thinking that the disorganized state of my quarters were partly the cause. But time wasn't kind to me and, as much as I pleaded with it, it refused to cease for my benefit, and the time came for me to depart for the university.

The Afternoon
 I was determined to show my fellow classmates and peers that the silence I oft' possessed during discussion was that of a quiet, yet brilliant, genius.Amongst my personal list of virtues, humility has been known to be weak; my pride show'd itself frequently in conversation; that I was not content with being in the right when discussing any point, but was overbearing, and rather insolent. I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it, as Franklin himself. However, the act of participating in discussion on folly subjects, like that of psychology, that I personally find to be a fictional science, and therefore no science at all, does not suit me well; and, so, I allowed my day to continue in silence.

After my time at the university, I was forced, although not physically but rather by ethics and want of money, to work in a field not thought to be glamorous. How long the hours seemed as I struggled in the heat to participate in work fit not for a lady, of which I cannot claim to be, although female, the characteristics and acts of those thought to be "ladies" are not possessed in me as oft' as others of my particular sex. 

The labor, however, was lessened greatly by messages frequently passed between myself and a dear friend, although not intimate from children, as dearest friends ofttimes are, we take part in the same activities together; but he has the advantage of more time for practicing, and a wonderful genius for not only charisma, but learning the skills for these activities, in which he far outplays me. Most of my hours of leisure for conversation are spent with him, and he continues a sober as well as an industrious lad;  much respected for his wit by many, and seems to promise making a good figure in life.

Also, the messages from one man, that I have yet to meet, but have developed rather a fancy for as he continues to write frequently, sending me large specimens of an epic poems, which provides for a great respect and fondness for him, and have some reason to believe he has the same for me, occupied a good deal of the bore work frequently presents.Our friendship, while not conventional, proves to be one of worth, or so it seems for now, and this I ought not argue.

 In the evening I found myself very tired, and went in to bed; but, having read somewhere that sleep was better deserved at late, I follow'd the advice, spent the evening with my dear friend, before arriving back at home and in the morning, I proceeded on my journey for education, having many years before me.

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 18-.....???

I had a meeting with Brother Sandberg today. He is very nice! Anyway, he asked me if I did indexing, to which I said yes. Then, he asked if I had ever taught which I replied no. He then very strongly suggested that I take an upcoming Sunday School class on teaching. Curious....

Funny? Meh.

September 17-Mmmm.

Besides a bit of work, I literally spent the entire day at the McGuire's having a lovely time! I go there a lot, but I usually don't stay too long during the day. It was GREAT. And Seth and I made Japanese..ish type food. Paretty good. :)
Oh and I got to hang out with the-often-missed Stuart and the why-don't-I-see-more Tayla!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 16-Hockey

I went to a Hockey game today with Jenna, Soph, Ana, Chase, and ...everyone else. BYU got slaughtered, but it's not like I care. Hockey is still a fun game to watch, although it wasn't the most fun I've any means. I don't know why I stayed the whole time. haha.

Ana "lost" her shoe under the bleachers, so Chase, Austin, and I grabbed a worker and went searching. Firstly, it didn't actually fall down. Secondly, it was haunted.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15-Tip

It went all weird...the picture did.
I got my first tip today! $20! From the owner of my favorite giant angel (Zeke). So I folded it into a peacock. :)

September 14-Blegh.

Today was annoying. I had to drive 110 miles for work! That's a lot of miles...and my boss didn't seem all too happy with me, and my school fees were due (I couldn't afford them) and the late fee bumps what I owe from $300 to $1000...but I couldn't pay it! There was nothing I could do :( It was just stressful. But I did get a chance to have a pleasant conversation with Seth, before he got sick, that is. Anyway, hopefully this DJ thing will actually happen because that would be a serious help..

September 13-SETH'S BIRTHDAY

Seth's gift. :)

Seth's birthday parfait. It was too delicious apparently. (rich rich rich...)
Today was Seth's birthday. It was an amazing day! I love this kid, like really I do. He's such a fabulous friend in which he is my best. haha. But really. We played video games, talked, laughed, partied, and it was fabulous. So to Seth, good luck with being an adult! You are truly one of the best things/people/friend ever. Friends forever? Please yes.

September 12-Mom and Me: The Bus Bums.

My mom and I rode the bus together today. It was quite the bonding experience. We talked about everything. Friends, boys, school...friends. She also gave me a ring to wear on my left ring finger as a deterrent for the creepy men that use public transportation as a springboard to find a relationship.

September 11-Family

Mom and Me :)

My family :)
We talked a lot about family in church today and I must say that I adore my family, sometimes they're annoying, sure...sometimes they struggle, yes, but they're still my family and I still love them. And when we all die and meet up on the other side, we can get rid of the earthly things that have caused us so much pain and so many trials. It'll be like a fresh start. I'm excited for that.

September 10-I met him!

I finally met Jared. He didn't talk. He didn't smile. He didn't laugh. So I finally saw Jared...maybe I'll meet him later. Oh Jared and Jenna dated over the summer, in case you didn't know who I was referring to.
Then Ana, Sophia, and I went to my Dad's house and ate lots and lots of fries, corn, cheesecake and watched Chicago. Lemme tell you somethin. I love those girls!

September 9-Go Austin! And Company..

Today I went a soccer game with Sophie, Chase, and their cousin. We went to support Chase's roommates. It was very boring. Also the turf got nasto black things all over my legs. But I enjoy hanging out with Sophie.
My leg looks really big(?) in this picture

September 8-Grandma! Lick it!

My grandma and I share a lot of common interests, one of the biggies: Cool Whip! Anyway, my grandma loaded her strawberry Jell-O with a few tons of whipped cream and sat down at her laptop to play Bookworm..cause she be like that. But oh no! The terror! A huge glob of the sweet white heaven plopped on her keyboard. "No!" I shouted, "Lick it Grandma! Lick it!"
I was kidding.
She missed that.
I'm sad I didn't get a picture of my gram's face as she lifted her head away from her keyboard, mouth full of whipped cream...and keyboard taste. She doesn't like keyboard taste..

September 7-Genius

Well, in case you didn't know, I'm a genius. My computer programming class is going so well! I don't even go to class (shh..) and I'm already a week ahead.  Programming jokes? Yes please.
We'll start easy.
  • Once a programmer drowned in the sea. Many Marines where at that time on the beach, but the programmer was shouting "F1 F1" and nobody understood it.
  • How do you keep a programmer in the shower all day?
    Give him a bottle of shampoo which says "lather, rinse, repeat."
Perhaps a bit more jargon...
  • Why do programmers always get Christmas and Halloween mixed up?
    Because DEC 25 = OCT 31
  • C gives you enough rope to hang yourself. C++ also gives you the tree object to tie it to.
Okay okay I'm done.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6-GoOoOoOoOoD DAY :D

Today was a good day! So's only 5 right now. Anyway, I had to get blood drawn..which terrifies me, but the guy was so good, I didn't even notice. Huzzah! I made mango breakfast burritos..delicious! I made my room look great...YAY! I did my "hardest" homework was actually WAY easy! :) :) My hair looks good. and yeahhh. I'm off to a party with my best bud. Mmmmm. :)
....Knock on wood.
Biggest smile I could muster...bit much? nah.
Oh and I got my check today $100 more than I expected...except I told my boss he made a mistake annnnnd I had to shred it...BUT $10 bonus for honesty!

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5-Ole!

I went to the Latin America Festival today. This was by far the best part.
Yes there's a man with a computer monitor for a head, but also notice the shady and rather suspicious man in the background..hmm

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 4-Smile

I was really artsy today...well I tried. None of these turned out amazing like they looked in my head...Ohhhhh wellll. Boring Sunday I guess.
Anyway, time to meet my new friend.
Jenna, some dude, Taylor (my new friend), some other dude who's probably great
This is Taylor.
Jenna introduced him to me...wait Jenna "introduced" him to me via cellular space (?). Anyway, I thought I would introduce him via cyber space to all my buddies..mostly Mama. I'm doing this on my own will. Not influenced by anyone to post one even mentioned it.
Taylor: Praises.
But really, he's kinda really cool. Although I don't know why this hasn't ever been his profile picture...I'll have to coach him on the ways of picture picking when he comes to Provo. Yes, Taylor, it's gonna happen. ;)

September 3-Little Green Things

Frogs and Bug's Life? Yes please!
Yes Mama. I stole your picture.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 2-I would NOT let anyone pay me in gum.

I make enough money to get by, but I sure like to complain sometimes.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I DIED today. I had a lot to do all day long and finally just crashed for like 2 hours. Anyway, Seth drew me a picture and let me borrow Assassin's Creed. Isn't he nice?
Right next to Emery. :) It's a real honor for Seth.

August 31-The Beach

it's my camera ..
I got to chill with my gals tonight. Jenna, Kara, and I tore the basketball court apart with our mad skills. Wait. I mean, Jenna and Kara tore ME apart with their mad basketball skills. Anyway, there was a volleyball court near by and I experienced a touch of the far as I can tell. I've never been to a beach, but...this kinda counts.