Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The 2nd Day of January.

I know. I know. I'm behind already. Mama informed me.
But onto more important things!

These are White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies, and I rather enjoy them. They were a little dry, BUT the dough is like...it's like...it's just really good. These are the cookies in which I learned several important things, most are "no kidding, Sherlock", but still.
1. Oatmeal + Brown sugar = good
    Oatmeal + ONLY white sugar = not that great usually.
2. Less can most certainly mean more.Although I still put a bit too much of the chocolate chips and things.
3. You don't need a lot of ingredients for good dough. These things have...let me see...like six ingredients not
    counting the chocolate and cranberries...because you can put anything in these.
4. The magic ratio. 3/4. I will not explain anymore ;)
Anyway, so I made these and my Mother ate quite the majority. Haha. I gave the rest to my favorite McGuires..which is all of them. Mostly Fergie. (I kid. I kid).

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