Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 8-You Make Me Wanna Say I do. I do. I do do do do do do do do!

Every so often, Emily and I get bridal fever, as I like to call it. And we think about our dream wedding. It changes and morphs but it's always fun to do. I thought I'd share mine with you. :)

Firstly, I do not do not DO NOT want a church cultural hall stake center whatever reception. No sir. I'm not gonna have a basketball net over my head. It's not just because I'm picky and girly and "stuck-up," it's because  my reception is going to essentially be another ceremony. My parents can't come in the temple with me, so the ring exchange is going to be a little bigger than in some other weddings. I know that me getting married is important to my family, especially my daddy. And he needs to walk me down the aisle. I don't want it to outdo the ceremony that takes place in the temple or even compete with it, but it does need to be special.

This is my wedding board at the addictive and fairly useless site Here Comes the Not-Yet-A-Bride
Also, Taylor surprised me with a trip to the cinemark, kettlecorn, and....Puss in Boots! It was way way cute!!

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