Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 12

I saw the FUNNIEST play ever today with my mom! Broadway Across America came to Kingsbury Hall and preformed Monty Python's Spamalot. Okay, maybe it wasn't the funniest play ever, but it was really really funny. Not suited for children though... Favorite quotes? Sure.
"B'low Me" "wha?" "is a cave with a horrid beast"
"All for one, One for all,
Some for some
None for none
Slightly less for people we don't like..."
"You may bring on a piano,
But they will not give a damn-o
If you don't have any Jews"
"But I'm alone..
(Patsy: oh no you're not)
So all alone
(Patsy: I'm here, you twat!"
 And then I watched Easy A with a group of people. I say, that movie is too great!

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