Monday, July 11, 2011

July 7-11-I'm not dead yet

It's 7-11! AND I'm doin days 7-11! Crazy!!! So, I know I'm way behind, but I've been kinda busy. . .just with life.
And there's nothing too crazy to say. I think I'll probably post again later tonight, but yeah. I do have a kinda awesome story though.
Soooo I walk this HUGE dog, Zeke.When I first started walking Zeke, I was very scared at him, and he would growl and nip at me. No fun, but anywhoozle he has a "friend" Zeus that I do not walk. Why? Well, Zeus is really rather aggressive.
Anyway, usually Zeus just barks a lot and leaves me alone while I clean the yard, but not today. I was scrapin poo off the patio on the other side of a covered pool when I hear tons of barking and saw a ginormous dog bounding across the rippling pool cover. It was Zeke, but he wasn't wagging his tail and he was growling and bein' all vicious like.
I turned on my cute-talk-to-dogs-slash-babies voice and reassured Zeke that it was just me, but he kept coming. Then I heard another bark. Zeus was running (as best he could) at me, teeth barred and snarlin. I was terrified. I mean seriously, these dogs are SO DANG BIG! Sandlot dogs. ha, anyway, now I had two big crazy dogs after me. No good.
But it turns out Zeke wasn't after me at all. He jumped right in between Zeus and me and started staring Zeus down. I started backing away toward the gate when Zeus ran past Zeke at me. Guess what? Zeke protected me AGAIN! He actually bit Zeus' head and knocked him aside with his shoulder. Then he stayed between the two of us until I was safely out of the yard. It was so awesome.
This dog that I was so so SO scared of, saved my life! Okay. . .that's a bit dramatic. But, it was just cool.
Preparations for Big HP2P2P are underway!

I ADORE driving when it's REALLY hot with music blaring, windows down, sunglasses on, and too cool attitude. I think it's certainly one of my favorite things to do ever.


Braided Emily's hair in church. :)

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