Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12-SUNDAY, SUnday, SuNdAy! Monster Truck Rally!

Well I most certainly didn't go to a Monster Truck anything today, but I thought it could be a fun title maybe. Anywho, I accidentally slept through Sacrament Meeting today, which was okay, because two great things came out of it. 1. I got some extra sleep 2. I took the sacrament at my sister's ward where President Ferrin spoke. He's awesome. "Protect your families from the evil influences of Satan and the Red Sox" haha, but really, he's amazingly spiritual.

"Simply don't follow the enemy of your soul, and don't fear him. Just love God." -President Ferrin

I was kinda bad in Relief Society though ;). During announcements the secretary, Muffin, demanded that we all get our pictures taken after class. My grandma leaned over and told me to "pretend we didn't hear this and try to leave as quickly and casually as possible". Anyway, I stole her nook and drew a picture.

I don't think the teacher appreciated my grandma snorting back laughs during the lesson. Oops. Our plan didn't work either, Muffin cornered us both as we left. Snap.

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