Friday, June 10, 2011

June 9-So that's why they call 'em "falls"

I fell down a waterfall today. Ya see, I'm one for adventures and exploring; that being said, Andrew and I explored a little bit of the mountain right behind my house. Why would we hike the boring rocky trails in our flip-flops when we can hike in the not boring, fast moving water? I mean, seriously. ;) So we did just that. We came to a waterfall not too long after ditching our shoes and belongings in a bush and bracing the cold water. Of course, Andrew hiked up with ease. Well, not ease, but he made it to the top. I tried. . .but lost my footing and slid/toppled down the natural-made, vertical waterslide. I landed with a cur-plop twisting my ankle a little funny, and, as I'm sure you can imagine, immediately got pelted with water.

It was awesome. (no sarcasm)

Now that's an adventure. I tried again, and made it up. I didn't realize I had hurt myself until later. We continued up the river, ditched that, and took a rocky trail up a little ways. Now that would have been much more enjoyable had we not left our shoes half-way down the mountain. In order to save our feet, we took a route through the softer wildernessy part. . .with the not-softer, short, deadly trees. Our little adventure was far from long, but it was saweeeeet.
It seems that I often get myself injured when venturing around with Andrew. . .I blame him. The evidence is stacked high against him.
Bridal Veil


Stuart Falls

ETC! But he always rescues me in the end. And yes, my hair seemed to have changed colors a lot, but it really didn't. . I just drew inaccurate pictures.

Anyway, we got back and due to Andrew's awesomeness/brilliance/kindness he totally fixed my computer. One minute he was eying the cord, and then suddenly my computer was completely taken apart and Andrew was busy soldering something. .in any case, he fixed it! I couldn't get the dang thing to charge and now it works great! A+!

Andrew, thank you friend!

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