Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 8-You Make Me Wanna Say I do. I do. I do do do do do do do do!

Every so often, Emily and I get bridal fever, as I like to call it. And we think about our dream wedding. It changes and morphs but it's always fun to do. I thought I'd share mine with you. :)

Firstly, I do not do not DO NOT want a church cultural hall stake center whatever reception. No sir. I'm not gonna have a basketball net over my head. It's not just because I'm picky and girly and "stuck-up," it's because  my reception is going to essentially be another ceremony. My parents can't come in the temple with me, so the ring exchange is going to be a little bigger than in some other weddings. I know that me getting married is important to my family, especially my daddy. And he needs to walk me down the aisle. I don't want it to outdo the ceremony that takes place in the temple or even compete with it, but it does need to be special.

This is my wedding board at the addictive and fairly useless site Here Comes the Not-Yet-A-Bride
Also, Taylor surprised me with a trip to the cinemark, kettlecorn, and....Puss in Boots! It was way way cute!!

November 7-Here We Go Again..

Around the 7th of each month I have to get my blood drawn. I hate it.
Also, I'm ill.
I hate it.

November 6-Maybe We Should Kiss to Break the Tension...

Church church church. I like it. :) I like doing family history during Sunday school, but to be honest, I may start abandoning Emily for a different class. Like the normal class..or mission prep or something. I dunno. But yes, Taylor joined us at church today. I like him.
After church and family dinner and such, Holly, Mom, Taylor, and I played scattegories. It was fun.

Then, I got to see the much-missed and much-loved dynamic duo Sophia and Jenna. Jenna invited me to go to Indiana with her for Christmas and I am SO SO SO excited!! Really! :) :) Oh and we watched the Simpson's Movie which is the reason for the title of this post. (it's a quote)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 5-You're the Smoke to my High

Taylor. He gave me the most amazing night ever. Really. He picked me up at 7 for our first him taking me out official date date...I guess. haha anyway, he showed up at the door looking so good in a suit jacket and tie, and gave me flowers :) :) They're beautiful.

little flower he made and put in his front pocket. He gave it to me later :)
Then he took me to dinner. Italian food. Mmmmmm :) It was fun and delicious. It was funny, because we were both nervous, even though we knew we like each other. Silly us. But right. Dinner. Delicious.
After, we went for a walk in this park by my house. It's a pretty park with a pond and a bridge and a little river. Anyway, as I got out of the car  he asked me if I was cold. I told him I was a little bit, and he gave me this green bag...You guys..he gave me a Letterman Jacket!!!! I've been talking about how much I want one for the longest time. Haha, I've pointed them out in every movie we've watched from Twilight rifftrax to Easy A. "Look, letterman jacket. I want one." "I'm gonna get a letterman jacket like that." "Ha! Letterman jacket! They're so cool!" and he got me one! And then he asked me if I would officially be his girlfriend. Now get this:
"If a couple was said to be "going steady," they would date one another exclusively and feel as if the other "belongs" to him or her. In this stage, there were certain customs that were played out by the two people involved. The boy was required to give the girl a token which was to claim her as his like a letterman sweater."
That was the custom of the 50's. haha I find it a little cool :)
He then took me to a movie (Time In) It was a little sad because I couldn't stop coughing (remember thursday? yeah. still sick) and I was afraid the whole theater would hate me. But all is well. We finished the night off my watching some tv and just hanging out. When I dropped him off at his apartment (we used my car haha) he told me to check the trunk when I got home. The surprises didn't cease!!!
He left me a cute little giraffe/pillow named Remy and a note

November 4-Fur Cute :)

I like taking cheesy cute pictures. Taylor likes taking cheesy cute pictures. The sum of those elements is cutesy pictures of us that resemble engagement cutesy pictures. hahaha it's awesome :)

My personal favorite, but SOMEONE *coughTaylorcough* is a hater ;)

November 3-Alarms and Illness

I don't feel good. Really. I went to school and fell asleep for an hour on the library floor. It was all good til...ATTENTION ATTENTION! AN EMERGENCY HAS BEEN REPORTED IN THIS BUILDING. PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING USING THE NEAREST EXIT FOR FIRE ESCAPE. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. BEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah. I wanted to die. So I went to my car and slept for three hours. Finally, I decided to go kick it at Seth's til work. I miss him a lot. And mama. Sad day... :(
Does there have to be a reason?

November 2-Work work work work work

My life. It's just work work work. I'm stuck at school from 8 hours every day, followed by work from 5 to 9...every day. I need a life. :/ and I miss my friends. :(

November 1-Thanks :)

November. The month of Thanksgiving :) Huzzah!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 31-43 Things to Ask Your Daughter's Boyfriend

What a way to spend Halloween. Taylor met my daddy and (basically) step-mom tonight. hahaha, she printed a thing called "43 Things to Ask Your Daughter's Boyfriend." It was paretty funny :) Anyway, so we chatted and whatnot. Happy Halloween!
Me and my daddy

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 30-Buh Bye Steve..

We went to Steve's farewell today. I'll miss that kid. Really.
We played "skadoodle" as I named it. Fun times :)

Steph, Me, Steve

Steph and Steve. Classic

Steve and Me
This kid is phenomenal. He's a really good dancer. And an incredible artist. I would be honored to one day have a piece of his artwork (which is why I included some of my personal favorites at the end of this post). He's always prepared for whatever may happen, he's smart, he's dedicated, he has high, commendable standards, and he will do wonderfully in Argentina. I wish him well on his life-changing journey. He's worked hard for this and I'm proud of him. I wish I hung out more with him before he left, because he's a good friend. We always have fun together and he LIKES the Labyrinth!(David Bowie. Yes please). Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is that I will forever value his friendship. Farewell Elder Nish. :)

October 29-Dancing in the Dark

Taylor, Emily, and I went to a stake dance tonight. It was way fun. Way more fun than what I would've expected from a stake dance.
I found out Taylor's some kind of sexy latin beast on the dance floor

Abstract Poison Ivy and Batman

October 28-Brain Fart

I honestly don't really remember what I did this day... odd I know. But I'm sure it was fun.  haaaaa....