Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 5-You're the Smoke to my High

Taylor. He gave me the most amazing night ever. Really. He picked me up at 7 for our first him taking me out official date date...I guess. haha anyway, he showed up at the door looking so good in a suit jacket and tie, and gave me flowers :) :) They're beautiful.

little flower he made and put in his front pocket. He gave it to me later :)
Then he took me to dinner. Italian food. Mmmmmm :) It was fun and delicious. It was funny, because we were both nervous, even though we knew we like each other. Silly us. But right. Dinner. Delicious.
After, we went for a walk in this park by my house. It's a pretty park with a pond and a bridge and a little river. Anyway, as I got out of the car  he asked me if I was cold. I told him I was a little bit, and he gave me this green bag...You guys..he gave me a Letterman Jacket!!!! I've been talking about how much I want one for the longest time. Haha, I've pointed them out in every movie we've watched from Twilight rifftrax to Easy A. "Look, letterman jacket. I want one." "I'm gonna get a letterman jacket like that." "Ha! Letterman jacket! They're so cool!" and he got me one! And then he asked me if I would officially be his girlfriend. Now get this:
"If a couple was said to be "going steady," they would date one another exclusively and feel as if the other "belongs" to him or her. In this stage, there were certain customs that were played out by the two people involved. The boy was required to give the girl a token which was to claim her as his like a letterman sweater."
That was the custom of the 50's. haha I find it a little cool :)
He then took me to a movie (Time In) It was a little sad because I couldn't stop coughing (remember thursday? yeah. still sick) and I was afraid the whole theater would hate me. But all is well. We finished the night off my watching some tv and just hanging out. When I dropped him off at his apartment (we used my car haha) he told me to check the trunk when I got home. The surprises didn't cease!!!
He left me a cute little giraffe/pillow named Remy and a note

1 comment:

  1. Stop copying me! First the SLUT shirt, now the jacket! Just kidding. I think this Taylor is a keeper. Also, you're a keeper. ;)
