Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31-Frown.

Yo. I drew this myself! Please love my artistic qualities.
Well this is one of those days. I don't think I got the painting job I interviewed for, and that makes me rather sad. I went through so much work for it too!  One of those days when you just blegh, and it wasn't very good. Of course, it wasn't all bad. There's always good in every day. But sometimes the balance is a little off and your like "What?!?! Stupid crappy (blah blah blah in a different language)" Like this:

and yes, I've been speaking in German all day. ALL day. 

. . .. . .Ich wünschte, ich könnte diesen Job zu bekommen. Ich wirklich wirklich wirklich brauche einen bekommen! Ich weiß, es wird schon klappen. Ich glaube, dass alles aus einem Grund geschieht. Aber es ist immer noch hart. Und es ist immer noch traurig. Aber zum Glück, ich liebe Hunde gehen! Ich glaube nicht, machen eine Menge Geld, aber ich liebe es! Das ist wahrscheinlich wichtiger als Geld, nicht wahr?

Und Freunde sind manchmal kompliziert. Ich wünschte, wir könnten alle nur glücklich sein und fürsorglich. Ich vermute, dass, wenn Sie Freunde zu verlieren, du neue zu machen. Aber Freunde zu verlieren noch saugt.

Aber hey, Nach Skyler, ist es Zeugnis Dienstag!  Ist es zählen, wenn ich es mache in Deutsch?

Ich weiß, dass es einen Gott gibt. Ich weiß, dass Er uns alle liebt. Er will uns helfen. Er hört uns zu. Ich weiß, dass die Kraft des Gebetes real ist. Dass Musik kann ein Gebet sein.
Ich liebe Vater im Himmel. Eines Tages, so hoffe ich, mit ihm wieder zu leben. Ich hoffe, dass ich finden kann, was ich zu tun, um das zu erreichen müssen. Vielleicht weiß ich nicht viel, aber ich weiß, Er lebt.  Er muss sein. Ich bin ganz sicher.

...maybe I need a smile after all. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29-I think I'm doing it wrong. . .

Biting the harmonica = playing the harmonica. .?
Today was Spencer Duncan's farewell. So many friends are leaving! He's going to Portland, Oregon. His talk was AMAZING. His dad sang an AMAZING song. The sweet lady after him gave an AMAZING talk. His mom is just AMAZING always. And I saw Stuart's mom. . .who is also, AMAZING!

Notice how my picture has nothing to do with the paragraph above.

May 28-Having fun isn't hard, if you have a library card!

It's a pamphlet that says "Books on Death. Children's Department"
Okay, so this is THE worst picture on the planet. . .but I took it with my low quality phone camera thingy and then took a picture of my phone's screen using my webcam. .It was bound to happen.  Anywhoozle, today a bunch of us gals signed up for the Provo Library Summer reading program. Hooray!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 26 & 27-Fun Times

If ya click it, it'll get bigger. . .so do that. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25-Watermelon Massacre!

There's nothing like a party in the canyon. Smores, pictures, tree climbin', games, fire dancing (in the case of my new friend Teagon). Anyway, forgetting a knife would usually make consuming watermelon near impossible, but with Andrew's quick-thinking, a car key works just fine.

Okay..so I know videos are annoying and I already added one this week. . . BUT I turn around and this guy, Teagon, was just randomly spinning around a fiery stick. . .like in an awesome way! Anyway, it was DARK so I lightened up which is why the quality is SO terrible, but you can still make out how epically awesome it was. ;) He did it with one end burning too, and that was also super cool!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24-Fashionable Dog-walker! Is it possible?? No.

Even with all my jewelry, a cutsie hat, skinny jeans, and boots, ya just can't be a fashionable dog-walker. Sigh. Stupid vest.

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23-And so I made one too.

And I Skyped Sohie and took a surprise snapshot of her ;)
All I did today, besides babysit and sit sit, was make a video for Sophie. Her cutsie boyfriend made her one, and I stole his idea because I was BORED. So here, feel free to watch. Hahaha...oh I need a life.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22-Farewell

I went to Jared Ratto's mission farewell today. He's gonna be a great missionary :) Anyway,  I'm not just saying farewell to Jared, but to a lot of things. So farewell.  Farewell to bad habits. Goodbye sad memories. So long wasted efforts. And adios to anything that's holding me back!! At least...that's my goal anyway :)

Sunday Quote (Because it's Sunday.): Rise to the great potential within you. I do not ask that you reach beyond your capacity. I hope you will not nag yourselves with thoughts of failure. I hope you will not try to set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know how. If you do so, you will witness miracles come to pass. - Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21-Giraffe's House...I mean zoo, yeah, the whole zoo.

I went to the zoo today with some of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was WAY fun. I like giraffes. I love giraffes. Can you say obsessed? 

May 20-Best Day Ever

Skyler and I had an awesome adventure today! We went to a track meet and got completely drenched with rain. Hahaha, so cool. :) Then, we went to the malt shop and that, too, was amazingly fun. It was the best! Sooo thank you, Skyler-a-ma (as your uncle(?) would say)
Look! A nice guy gave us an umbrella (ella ella...)
Afterwards, I went straight to the McGuire's to tell Mama about my funny fun day. We, along with Tayla and a lame-o Seth, went to Rancheritos, then watched The "Charade". Love. I finished my day by watching The Science of Dogs with Mama. Good golly, I love her.

March 19-Zumba Zumba iei!

We 'da best and Mama is HAWT
Tayla, Mama, Hudson, and I had quite the party at an epic zumba open house! Super props to Hudson for being adventurous and awesome enough to come! :) What a work-out!

March 18-And Then There Was Pie

Andrew, his younger brother, and I made an epic pie today. Success? I think so! SLASH KNOW so.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17- The Guamish are coming! The Guamish are coming!

My Aunt Alisha and I...I didn't get the concept of posing for this picture...heh.

My cute cousin Xavier
Alisha, Jimmy, and Xavier are visiting from Guam! They are too great :) :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

MAy-16 Nothing to Do, and Never Bored

Our awesome pepper/carrot dude.

I hung out with my bestie Andrew today. I don't know how we do it...but we are never bored. Our plans were "make food". haha! Well we DID do that. In fact, we made super delicious curry :). But then what? Well we are both really indecisive. Lemme draw this out for ya'
1. What do we make for dinner?
Uhh...well I have most the stuff for chicken marinara. But I have potatoes I need to use...
I don't care.
Hmmm...well we could make curry.
I brag about your curry.
Hmm, but it's just because I have potatoes.
Both sound good.
(I guess that means curry)
2. We're late for Andrew's FHE, what do we do?
Well we can just stay here, or we can go try and catch up with them..they're probably done hiking the Y by now though...
We can go or we can stay
What do you wanna do?
I don't know
Me neither, we can always just go to the trail and see where they're at??
We could.
Do you want to?
I don't care.
(Guess that means we went to the "Y" trail)
3. His FHE group left, do we do the hike?
Wanna hike it?
Do you want to?
I don't care.
Me neither. It's kinda cold.
We will warm up walking. This hike sucks.
Yeah it's unexciting. What do you wanna do?
Well, what else can we do tonight?
(Guess that means hike the Y)
4. It's cold and we stop to talk and look at the city about 1/3 of the way up, do we keep going?
Alright, let's keep going.
Are you sure?
Do you want to?
I don't care.
I'm cold, but we can keep going.
You're cold, let's go back.
Yeah, but we have nothing better to do.
That's true. What do you wanna do?
I don't care.
Neither do I.
(Guess that means go back)
5. Driving where?
We can go to my apartment, but that's kinda lame.
Yeah that is lame, but it's cold. If we do anything outside, you need a jacket.
I'm fine without one. But we could maybe go hang out with Christina and Travis, but they go to bed early.
Aww. We could go to a park.
Um, I don't know.
It is cold.
(Guess that means go to Andrew's apartment)
6. Now what?
We could watch a movie
Yeah, but I can't stay for the length of a movie...BYU rules.
True, we can start one.
We could.
Hmm..we could play the piano.
That's always fun.
I don't have any piano books.
We can make up stuff?
(That definitely means play the piano! :) )
* We played a lot of hymns and it was way awesome.
7. Piano is off-limits at 11pm, now what?
We can play foosball
This team is missing like three dudes.
Oh yeah..we can switch every point.
Good idea. Or we could just stay on the same team, I don't mind the missing guys.
Nah that's lame let's switch so it's fair.
(Guess we're playin Foosball)
8. We're bored, NOW what?
It's kinda late
Yeah, but not really.
Hmm..well we can't go into my apartment.
We could go to my house.
Yeah we could
But I don't know if my grandma is okay with that
We could postpone awesome stuff for later
Yeah we could, if we can actually think of something awesome.
Hmm...we could watch a movie?
Oh yeah, we could.
That sounds good.
Oh wait, I can't.
Oh. Uh....when?
Well Friday night we could do it at my house.
That would be nice.
Alright! But we can do something else too.
Okay, like what and when?
We could make a pie..?

These are condensed conversations. We are SO indecisive and never have anything to do, but I don't think I have EVER been bored with Andrew, and I certainly haven't had a bad time. Haha life is funny :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15-What the Energy?

These wiggle scooter things are like THE coolest things ever! :)
I had an all-night-horror-movie-viewing..er with Dan and Andrew. Admittedly, I kept falling asleep after 5ish and had a few "power naps" before the extravaganza really began, BUT I still didn't get a lot of sleep. Not much at all. And yet, I still found energy to play with my two toddler cousins (and boy, do they like to play), make cookies, play Zombie Flux with my Sister and Brother-in-law, and whatever else I did all day long. haha, anyway, I don't know where the energy came from. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 14-uh..Yard Sale?

What a pleasant day for a yard sale. So bright. So sunny. :) 
. . . .. . . . . 

See those books? If you could just..just throw them at me, that would be great. Or maybe, just take that car and squish me. Yeah. Thanks.

Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13-Friday the 13th...gasp.

Poor kid.
In accordance with the rules of "Friday the 13th", something unfortunate must happen. Which is bad news for my Aunt Tiffany and her son. Next time, Tif better think twice before giving her kids a haircut on this particular day.

May-12 Good Morning, China :)

My early early morning skype chat with one of my besties, Emily. I miss you, girl! Oh and Emily, you are a joy, a beauty, and a privilege to know :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11-Long Drives, the boring, gas--wasting, stressful kind.

Dan and I drove to Pleasant Grove (got terribly lost), then Salt Lake, then Spanish Fork, then back to Provo. Too much driving. We used too much gas. And it was too stressful to get everywhere in time. :/ No thank you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 11-Pampered Pooches

Well..I went to work today, and then sat around with Stuart and Hudson playing videogames. Oh, and I love Mama! I just sometimes have to exclaim it. I saw her for like two minutes maybe, and I just love her.
ANYWAY, so I went to the website of my employer (www.trainwalkpoop.com ...yeah, I know) and stole some awesome pictures. I hope that they fully represent what I do for a "living".

My favorite. And the best representation of what I do.

Post script: Do you miss the music? Did it annoy you? Do you actually care? ...do you even exist? But really. I'm just curious.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May-9 Dancing at discos, eating cheese on toast

on my walk :)
I spent a chunk of my day learning a new song on the guitar. I just love the lyrics! It's called Merry Happy and it is now officially learned. :) I also made pesto pasta for my family, went on a nice longish walk (2 miles), let McKann try on a few of my dresses and then had a lovely chat with her. That was too great! I miss my girl talk.

May 8-Mothers Day

I'm trying out weird color stuff...yeah, it's weird.
I didn't forget the apostrophe in the title of this post, I just want to emphasize that I have more than one "mother"...if that makes any sense. I have three, actually. Each of these women, my mother, grandmother, and mama :) have made a huge impact on my life. I can't emphasize enough how each of them have really been a tremendous blessing to me, and I doubt they realize how much they really do influence me. I love them, a lot, like a lot a lot, a ton, if you will. SO to them I say thank you! I love you! And have a very happy Mothers Day!

May 7-"Workin at the car wash"

I cleaned my car today, inside and out! The best part was the sun. Yummy...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 6-Steven's Birthday!

We surprised and kidnapped Steve today to celebrate his birthday! It was way fun, and he took him all over the neighborhood. It was awesome.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5-Taki

Today was very boring and, yet, eventful. It was weird. Andrew Robertson and I hung out a little, kind of did nothing of interest. Then Andrew Davis and I went to our taki (our waterfall). We call it that simply because we tend to go there all the time. And, of course, you can't just go and look at it. SO we climbed it, like we always do. It was cold, wet, and dark, like it always is. And we took the trail back down, our feet getting destroyed by sharp rocks, like they always do. It never gets old.

Also, I went to the midnight viewing of Thor with Dan, Kay, and Kevin. haha fun :)

Also again, Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4- TJ Giler

I do what I want.
TJ got his mission call today...YAY! Charlotte, North Carolina. :) Which happens to be the town of one of my best friends, Sophia :) So, obviously, the two are related.  See the resemblance?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3-Doc.

Time to start acting diabetic again :/
I went to the doctor today. I hate going to the doctor....He took my blood and I cannot CANNOT stand that.

May 2-Beauty and the Beast

Jake and I hung out today and watched the ol' Timpview production of Beauty and the Beast. It was great.

May 1-Lazy Sunday

My grandma is the best! She bought me this AWESOME pillow for no reason! It's so soft and I LOVE it..and I LOVE her too :)