Monday, May 16, 2011

MAy-16 Nothing to Do, and Never Bored

Our awesome pepper/carrot dude.

I hung out with my bestie Andrew today. I don't know how we do it...but we are never bored. Our plans were "make food". haha! Well we DID do that. In fact, we made super delicious curry :). But then what? Well we are both really indecisive. Lemme draw this out for ya'
1. What do we make for dinner?
Uhh...well I have most the stuff for chicken marinara. But I have potatoes I need to use...
I don't care.
Hmmm...well we could make curry.
I brag about your curry.
Hmm, but it's just because I have potatoes.
Both sound good.
(I guess that means curry)
2. We're late for Andrew's FHE, what do we do?
Well we can just stay here, or we can go try and catch up with them..they're probably done hiking the Y by now though...
We can go or we can stay
What do you wanna do?
I don't know
Me neither, we can always just go to the trail and see where they're at??
We could.
Do you want to?
I don't care.
(Guess that means we went to the "Y" trail)
3. His FHE group left, do we do the hike?
Wanna hike it?
Do you want to?
I don't care.
Me neither. It's kinda cold.
We will warm up walking. This hike sucks.
Yeah it's unexciting. What do you wanna do?
Well, what else can we do tonight?
(Guess that means hike the Y)
4. It's cold and we stop to talk and look at the city about 1/3 of the way up, do we keep going?
Alright, let's keep going.
Are you sure?
Do you want to?
I don't care.
I'm cold, but we can keep going.
You're cold, let's go back.
Yeah, but we have nothing better to do.
That's true. What do you wanna do?
I don't care.
Neither do I.
(Guess that means go back)
5. Driving where?
We can go to my apartment, but that's kinda lame.
Yeah that is lame, but it's cold. If we do anything outside, you need a jacket.
I'm fine without one. But we could maybe go hang out with Christina and Travis, but they go to bed early.
Aww. We could go to a park.
Um, I don't know.
It is cold.
(Guess that means go to Andrew's apartment)
6. Now what?
We could watch a movie
Yeah, but I can't stay for the length of a movie...BYU rules.
True, we can start one.
We could.
Hmm..we could play the piano.
That's always fun.
I don't have any piano books.
We can make up stuff?
(That definitely means play the piano! :) )
* We played a lot of hymns and it was way awesome.
7. Piano is off-limits at 11pm, now what?
We can play foosball
This team is missing like three dudes.
Oh yeah..we can switch every point.
Good idea. Or we could just stay on the same team, I don't mind the missing guys.
Nah that's lame let's switch so it's fair.
(Guess we're playin Foosball)
8. We're bored, NOW what?
It's kinda late
Yeah, but not really.
Hmm..well we can't go into my apartment.
We could go to my house.
Yeah we could
But I don't know if my grandma is okay with that
We could postpone awesome stuff for later
Yeah we could, if we can actually think of something awesome.
Hmm...we could watch a movie?
Oh yeah, we could.
That sounds good.
Oh wait, I can't.
Oh. Uh....when?
Well Friday night we could do it at my house.
That would be nice.
Alright! But we can do something else too.
Okay, like what and when?
We could make a pie..?

These are condensed conversations. We are SO indecisive and never have anything to do, but I don't think I have EVER been bored with Andrew, and I certainly haven't had a bad time. Haha life is funny :)

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