Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30th-Me again.

But Nikole how can you possibly take so many dang pictures of yourself?!? ....what else is there to do during these stupid long breaks?

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29- U.V.U've got to be kidding me

Well school started today. I went to biology..which I forgot I had last-minute signed up for, so I got there late and was the there's-still-seats-up-here-in-the-front kid. Yuck. UVU is very different from BYU..let's just say the class list of "words that remind us of biology" was very....
Well anyway, following that class I had 3 hours of nothing. NOTHING! So I got my private lessons all figured out and sat around...got a lot of music...texted a little..slept on the floor..and on a bench...took some pictures...read a little. I guess it was alright, because I really don't feel all that well of late. My ill body has prevented me from sleeping and it is the sucks!
These took like 30 minutes, so that was good. 

Also, I saw a girl in a poorly homemade prom dress that she just wore to wear a guy with hardly a shirt on, an Asian girl with two terrible lip rings. It was awesome! Anyway, besides my long long break I really enjoyed all my classes and professors. :) It's been great really! One class with no tests. One with no books. Joy.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28-"Lord, Beer me strength"-The Office

I didn't sleep at all last night. I felt really really ill. It was disgusting and miserable. I got a lot done though in the hours I was awake hating life. Got a cheap shirt online, watched 2 1/2 seasons of the office, listened to Heron Blue  like 10 times, edited some photos...really it was fun. I finally fell asleep at nine only to wake up an hour later. Missing church was not an option today! I was playing a piano solo in sacrament meeting so I had to go.

Miracle 1: I felt loads better as soon as I got to church. I didn't even feel tired. It was great. Miracle 2: I was playing my solo when I hit a wrong note...well I didn't wanna just leave it like that so I kinda changed the key, ignored the music, and improvised my own piece trying to keep Love at Home as a theme. And guess what! It worked! Rock on. Miracle 3: I didn't fall asleep in church! ...didn't pay attention, but I didn't fall asleep. :)

August 27- Save the Date!

Today was THE day! We're all in Utah again! Yes, friends, the girls are back in town. I love them. I'm SO excited for what I think will be a great year with these gals :)
Jenna, Me, Sophie

Katelyn, Me, Kara
Ana and I do not have one single picture together! At least not one we're both tagged in. Sad day. But she's one of the gals too! 
Also, today I went on a double date with Em and these two...men. It was...uh.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 26th-And the Winner is..

Best summer movie of 2011!
Harry Potter? no no no
Thor? nope
Pirates of the Caribbean? wrong again
Kung Fu Panda? X-men? Green Lantern? Super 8? Cowboys & Aliens? Captain America?
No. No. No. No. No. annnnd No.
The answer?
Winnie the Pooh
I'm not kidding!!!! It was so cute! I loved it! ....so I was surrounded by moms and children....no matter! It was so cute. If I say "aw" more than 5 times during one movie in an endearing, loving, cute way, then that movie is definitely a success!

Friday, August 26, 2011

August 25th-Go TBIRDS!

Jer DOMINATED in the first Sophomore football game of the season! Whoo! 26 vs 0! The cheerleaders though...uh...well West Lake had REALLY good cheerleaders.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24- Lost

Um so uh. Wellll remember how I sometimes don't blog for long periods of time? I lost my computer..or my camera...or my sense of dedication...or well whatever. The real deal is that it's summer! I'm 19. I'm 19 and it's summer. It is summer and I'm 19. I party too much! (or not enough. Holla') Anyway, I think that once school kicks up again on Monday (eff) I'll blog regularly again..because I'll be bored and not paying attention to things I should be paying attention to, like teachers...or homework...or life. But no worries, I WILL still pay attention to important things (boys, sexy clothes, hair, and make-up...also friends. PS Mama, Movie still? No? Yes? No?)

Anywhoozle, point is, I'm back. I'm feelin a little guilty for bein away so long, but I'm back. Here's some pictures.
I LOVE these girls

Sorry Jess...I know you don't like this picture...I think it's funny though

Rockin the b&w

Negative picture of my legs...why? I don't know..

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! I love you so so so so much!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 5: My loving Families :)

Day 2 of Aida and both my families came! The McGuires and my mom, gma, and gpa. They all seemed to have very similar reactions. haha. Oh and my God Family (the McGuires) actually said "hi" to me afterward...the Clayton/Molyneuxs did not (well I called my mom and told her to get her butt over to the cast!)
Wes and I: night 2

I LOVE this picture...although you can't tell that I'm in the splits..and it was kinda painful to hold for so long.

My mom :)


Aida opened tonight!!! (one step closer to being over...) It's a good show, I think, but I'm ready for it to be done!
Wes and I in the Museum opening night! (my bangs fell in a way that makes me look like I have really bushy eyebrows)

Our dressing "room"...it's a tent.

Dan and Kay came opening night! ....Dan doesn't look like a creepy jerk (that's code for Dan DOES look like a creepy jerk)

Some of the cast. We're black now. Can you tell?

August 1,2, and 3: REHEARSAL

Wes and I in the museum, first dress rehearsal

Wes and I in the museum, 2nd dress rehearsal

Some of da gals :)
Latoya (Aida) gettin all her hair braided...and burned! They light it on fire to keep the braids in! ....weird.

Rehearse rehearse rehearse!

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 31

All I wanna say is that I love my grandma more than anything.

July 30- So much Aida...

I had rehearsal today from 8 to noon, then again at 5:45 to like 11...too crazy! The acting and singing and whatevs are in paretty good shape, but the backstage stuff (costumes, set, etc.) are scaring me a little...