Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24- Lost

Um so uh. Wellll remember how I sometimes don't blog for long periods of time? I lost my computer..or my camera...or my sense of dedication...or well whatever. The real deal is that it's summer! I'm 19. I'm 19 and it's summer. It is summer and I'm 19. I party too much! (or not enough. Holla') Anyway, I think that once school kicks up again on Monday (eff) I'll blog regularly again..because I'll be bored and not paying attention to things I should be paying attention to, like teachers...or homework...or life. But no worries, I WILL still pay attention to important things (boys, sexy clothes, hair, and make-up...also friends. PS Mama, Movie still? No? Yes? No?)

Anywhoozle, point is, I'm back. I'm feelin a little guilty for bein away so long, but I'm back. Here's some pictures.
I LOVE these girls

Sorry Jess...I know you don't like this picture...I think it's funny though

Rockin the b&w

Negative picture of my legs...why? I don't know..

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! I love you so so so so much!

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