Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28-"Lord, Beer me strength"-The Office

I didn't sleep at all last night. I felt really really ill. It was disgusting and miserable. I got a lot done though in the hours I was awake hating life. Got a cheap shirt online, watched 2 1/2 seasons of the office, listened to Heron Blue  like 10 times, edited some photos...really it was fun. I finally fell asleep at nine only to wake up an hour later. Missing church was not an option today! I was playing a piano solo in sacrament meeting so I had to go.

Miracle 1: I felt loads better as soon as I got to church. I didn't even feel tired. It was great. Miracle 2: I was playing my solo when I hit a wrong note...well I didn't wanna just leave it like that so I kinda changed the key, ignored the music, and improvised my own piece trying to keep Love at Home as a theme. And guess what! It worked! Rock on. Miracle 3: I didn't fall asleep in church! ...didn't pay attention, but I didn't fall asleep. :)

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