Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 19-Benjamin Clayton

I decided I wanna take a whack at writing like an American Colonialist, specifically Benjamin Franklin. You see, I was in English class when I made the slightly controversial statement that Benjamin Franklin wasn't really as kind funny, and outgoing as his writings suggest, but is merely a master of rhetoric. Anyway, I was commended for the comment and so, being the genius I am, I replayed my brilliance in my mind. It resulted in me thinking like a colonialist while shoveling dog poop in the yard of some wealthy hicks. Long story made slightly longer, I narrated my day and decided to write it all down for the "enjoyment" of my readers. All 1,000,000,000,000,000 of you.

Intelligent face

The Morn
To name an industry after a kind of fruit, no matter how desirable, plump, delicious, is not an action I find clever nor satisfying. However, I s'pose the naming of an industry, of which size seems to be related to quality in a most unfortunate of way,  matters little when compared to the value of a product. But, however disagreeable it might be, I found that the product of one large manufacturer, Apple, became every day of more importance, as the other methods of extracting and enjoying such artists as Vivaldi as well as Mozart and Gwen Stefani failed in comparison ; and, when I awoke, I was despaired to find that this device was missing, as it had been since two days previous. Thus, I spent the morning desperately searching for this gadget to no avail.  I went on, nevertheless, with a good deal of patience, thinking that the disorganized state of my quarters were partly the cause. But time wasn't kind to me and, as much as I pleaded with it, it refused to cease for my benefit, and the time came for me to depart for the university.

The Afternoon
 I was determined to show my fellow classmates and peers that the silence I oft' possessed during discussion was that of a quiet, yet brilliant, genius.Amongst my personal list of virtues, humility has been known to be weak; my pride show'd itself frequently in conversation; that I was not content with being in the right when discussing any point, but was overbearing, and rather insolent. I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it, as Franklin himself. However, the act of participating in discussion on folly subjects, like that of psychology, that I personally find to be a fictional science, and therefore no science at all, does not suit me well; and, so, I allowed my day to continue in silence.

After my time at the university, I was forced, although not physically but rather by ethics and want of money, to work in a field not thought to be glamorous. How long the hours seemed as I struggled in the heat to participate in work fit not for a lady, of which I cannot claim to be, although female, the characteristics and acts of those thought to be "ladies" are not possessed in me as oft' as others of my particular sex. 

The labor, however, was lessened greatly by messages frequently passed between myself and a dear friend, although not intimate from children, as dearest friends ofttimes are, we take part in the same activities together; but he has the advantage of more time for practicing, and a wonderful genius for not only charisma, but learning the skills for these activities, in which he far outplays me. Most of my hours of leisure for conversation are spent with him, and he continues a sober as well as an industrious lad;  much respected for his wit by many, and seems to promise making a good figure in life.

Also, the messages from one man, that I have yet to meet, but have developed rather a fancy for as he continues to write frequently, sending me large specimens of an epic poems, which provides for a great respect and fondness for him, and have some reason to believe he has the same for me, occupied a good deal of the bore work frequently presents.Our friendship, while not conventional, proves to be one of worth, or so it seems for now, and this I ought not argue.

 In the evening I found myself very tired, and went in to bed; but, having read somewhere that sleep was better deserved at late, I follow'd the advice, spent the evening with my dear friend, before arriving back at home and in the morning, I proceeded on my journey for education, having many years before me.

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