Monday, December 26, 2011

December 25-Christmas :)

Off to DC tomorrow. :) Only 12 hours there! And 3 days. What a trip. haha anyway, what a wonderful Christmas. The Hendersons are amazing to say the least. We enjoyed opening presents, church, dinner, and games. Including an epic Phase 10 that lasted well into Monday morning. I loved it. I love them all! So giving and welcoming. I'm really going to miss this family when I leave on the 4th. Like a lot. I hope to see them all again!! Matching PJ's!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24-Syracuse, Indiana

As previously mentioned, I am on vacation. To where? Jenna's home in Syracuse, Indiana. Let's talk about Syracuse for just a quick second. It's TINY.
Jenna's mom, Esther, is so sweet, nice, giving, and amazing! Her dad, Tommy, is really funny and kind himself. And then there's....all other eleven family members living in her house too. Her house is cozy and cute.
Chicago :) Jessica's (Jenna's sister (my favorite sibling of her's shhh)) kids. Ava, Zyon, and Payton

Ava loves me :)

Leesburg, Indiana 

Leesburg, Indiana


Diner feel with good good food. 

Strawberry milkshake. My favorite!

Steak 'n Shake hats!!


More walmartians

Dart war!!

The playing field!

Central Lake



Pike Lake

Best dog ever!!!! (next to Ginger and Fergie of course)
There's Amish EVERYWHERE


I've never seen  a sunset without mountains before. Beautiful!
Oh and Happy Christmas Eve :) Love me and Jenna :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 10-Fa La La La La

The title of this post is due to pure lack of creativity. But I'm fizzing out of this year-long blog (obviously). Mostly because half of my pictures were deleted (Jan-Apr) Drives me crazy.
Anywho, I'm going to Indiana on Thursday...kind of terrified. Partly because I've never been on a plane and I don't want it to blow up and die, partly because I'm terrified of getting yelled at going through all the dang security, partly because I still feel slightly intrusive on the Henderson's Christmas...but mostly not because of that. I'm really excited to spend so much time with Jenna. Mostly/ally because I absolutely love her. And hopefully she'll put up with my "can we just sleep?'s" that I'm gonna might be saying but will try not to. I am excited though! Like really really excited :) Just because Jenna's gonna be there the whole time, and being a best friend, I know that she wants to make it a good trip for both of us. That's just Jenna for ya. :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7-Don't Judge Me...

Yes, it's December.
Yes, I haven't posted in a while.
No, it's not okay to hate me for it.
Here's the sitch: I don't feel good. Some days I feel just fine, then the next day all I really want to do sleep. So I do. I sleep a lot. I've missed a lot of work and school. Which is lame, because I need to do well in school..and with both my parents out of work, I kind of need the money. Oh the drama...Ces't La Vie.
My poor skin right now.

Stuart and Brother McGuire gave me a blessing. I guess I thought it would instantly magically fix something or instantly magically make me feel better...but Seth says it's kind of like a super prayer, but still a prayer...meaning I just have to do what I need to and be patient.
Anyway, I have some pictures from the feel good days:
We went to the Twilight Premier as a group of die hard twihards. It was everything I expected it to be!! ...horrific.

The we're-too-good-for-you pose
First Real snow! And then it disappeared forever..

Jenna and I at Taylor's Turkey Bowl. He's real good at football!

Jenna eating a sweetener packet because she lost to ME in a little table game we play.

One of the chefs :)

I made some pies. They were prettier last year...I blame Taylor ;)
Taylor's brother, Stuart, making breakfast in Rexburg...where we went.

Safari and King. My favorite animal and Taylor's. :)

At a park :)