Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And so it is the 5th of the 1st month...

I write a lot compared to other project 365ers (mainly Mama), they don't write too little, I just write too much. *shrug* Whatever.
The fifth!
Not the best day of my life. However, my classes today were alright. I'm still ironing out some kinks in my schedule...not looking forward to walking from the very distant parking lot to my classes at 7:30 in morning. I'm considering whipping out the ol' unicycle, but I don't wanna be one of those pretentious "I'm better than you because I can ride a unicycle"kids. However, that's kind of why I learned to ride a unicycle in the first place. Muhahaha. But anyway, I went to school, getted edicated, and then went to Seth's! Hoorah!
Yes, I know, I go there way too often.
Mama, forgive me.
All the other McGuires forgive me as well.
Yeah...This is totally from Mama's blog...I stole it.

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