Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14

Today was full of fun and stuff. Um. Like I said earlier, I can't post any pictures...so I'm give you a slice of me life, if you will.
50 Q&A's about ME, if you can handle it.
..and by "50" I mean "15"

1. What was the last movie you watched?
Land Before Time...yes, the little kid dinosaur movie. I watched it last night. Wanna know what's worse? I cried. BUT you can't blame me! When Little Foot's mom dies, you have to admit that's miserable!

2. What is your best physical feature?
Um..I like my hair?

3. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be?
I really have no idea, but if I had to pick Zac Efron (Don't Judge). I just saw 17 Again and he is FINE in that movie. Yum.

4. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes. Constantly. I'm a mumbler too..so I mumble to myself...ALL the time I'm sure if you have ever met me ever this conversation has occurred:
Me: mumble..mumble
You: What?
Me: Oh nothing
You: What? Tell me.
Me: Nevermind

5. If they made a movie of your life, what actress would play you?
Emma Stone. Just let me dream.

6. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
Hair style..including facial hair, which I don't dig.

7. Are you missing anyone?
I miss Stuart and our old times.
I miss Jackson SO much!
I miss being Sophie's roommate
I miss Jasmine and our mischievous adventures.
I miss Jordan Peterson.
I miss Lewis.
I miss Betsy.
I miss so many people.

8. Are you touchy feely?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Although, I do love the occasional backscratch or massage.

9. What's your main ringtone?
"I gotta I gotta I gotta I got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine"

10.  What did the last text on your phone say?
Jenna: "My question is why is there a llama on freakin campus?!"
Me: "C2G man!"

11. Do you trust people easily?
Very. Does "very" work grammatically? Um..I trust people very easily. Don't use that against me.

12. Have you ever cried for no reason?
I feel like I always have a reason to cry when I cry. :)

13. What superstition to you believe/practice?
A lot of them! Like a lot a lot. Tossing salt over the shoulder, knocking on wood, avoiding cracks on the sidewalk, etc..

14. Who's bed did you sleep in last night?
Who needs to know??!
okay..my own.

15. Where would you rather be right now?
Anywhere. AWAY from here.

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