Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30- Sophia

 Today while walking back to my car, I ran into Sophie. I usually don't take that route, but felt like I should today...Oh. My. Goodness. It was fate! I kid I kid. Anyway, I was joking around about how my post today was ALL about her, little did she know that my joking wasn't joking at all! Muhaha.

Did you know that the name "Sophia" means wisdom? That's my intro. When I accidentally ran into this girl today, I was coming from something rather rough and I was in a melancholy mood, but when I saw her, I couldn't help but smile. She's so sweet, full of fun, a wonder example, and really really great :) I still can't get over how fast we became friends, although we did have a rather awkward first night. Trip to a waterfall, no shower, silence. Yeah...haha We're both a little weird, which suits me just fine!


First ever picture of us

There's so many wonderful qualities about this girl that I would love to emulate. She's very dedicated to everything she takes part in. And she does a lot of service, which is incredible. She's so laid back and cool. I love her. She's one of my best friends, and I will REALLY miss her this summer.

Hey Sophie! Remember...
  • when we stole the hot cocoa at my bank, and we both got tons of blue dums-dums...and you rudely swapped my blueberry one for a cottoncandy
  • when we broke Ashley's sandwich maker and blamed Amy
  • when we ate half a bag of corn each..and stuff
  • when we convinced Jenna that I hid a breast-pump under my bed
  • when we had physical science together
  • when we saw HP7 twice
  • when we got 100% on our exams
  • when you text that big hit for me
  • and, well everything else??


  1. I cracked up over bullets 2, 4, and 8. :) haha

  2. Nikole! I thought you WERE joking. But, was catching up on your blog. I love you like crazy! And love that we became such good friends SO fast! It was clearly meant to be! You have easily become one of my best friends EVER and not just one of my best in Utah! I will miss you like crazy this summer but, look forward to all the weird pictures/texts i'll get. I just miss Family Guy sleepovers. You will have to come over one more time before I leave. And if you ever wanna go to the beach... You know where to come. ;) Love you. Fo' Reals.
