Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29-Old Friends.

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget"
Artistic (?) foot picture of Andrew and I at the falls

Each flag represents where someone is going on their mission

Like the flags, each temple is from the place where each roomie was called to serve

Jessica after falling in love with mushrooms...

FIRE! (again)

Stephen will save us all (new friends are great too)

Odd double spaghetti?

Warren FINALLY wrote back

Today I got a text from good friend Andrew. I was happily surprised seeing as I haven't talked to this guy in for-to-the-ever (I just made that up, I'm so legit..). Anyway, we ditched our rappelling plan, lame I know, and went to Bridal Veil instead. Okay. Cold. haha, we ate my little box of homemade candy and then met up with my other good friend Jessica. We made delicious tetrazzini in the midst of Andrew's chaotic kitchen and just talked :) We spent four hours doing that, but it seemed like twenty minutes to me. It's crazy.

Back in the day..
I miss my old friends. I've made so many new friends this year, and I think that's great, but I've hit a little snag in my life that only the long-time love of good friends can fix...I guess is one way to say it. I'm sad to see Andrew leave soon on his big ol' mission to Japan, but I'm super excited for him too. :) I miss Emily terribly...even though we had gone a long while without really seeing each other before she left. I'm sad to see Jessica leave for the summer in just a short month. I'm sad to have not heard from Stephanie in a while. I'm sad to see Spencer leave...and I regret not spending time with him of late. I'm sad to see Steven leave too.

...really I'm just sad that I let myself lose contact with some of the people that I have felt the most loved by and the most love for.

Friends forever.

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