Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 13-Mondays

I pointed out to Mama today that my blog posts are getting longer and longer, I basically write novels nowadays, yeah? But I kinda like it. I mean, it's a journal now. An online very not personal journal, but a journal. And if I make $60 shoveling dog poo, then I can turn it into a book. ;)

“Get a notebook, my young folks, a journal that will last through all time, and maybe the angels may quote from it for eternity,” -President Spencer W. Kimball.

Although I'm not sure how keen I am on angels quoting ". .if I make $60 shoveling dog poo. . ." for all eternity, but I'll take my chances. There's some advantages and disadvantages of having an online journal as opposed to an actual book-type, though. Advantages: Easy to post pictures, friends can read it, easy to do every day, others that I can't think of right now. Disadvantages: Friends can read it. In a bookish journal (bookish as in book-like, not the actual definition) you can literally write whatever, and if you sound like an idiot because your upset and not thinking, then that's okay. Whatever. Who cares? But on a blogish journal, everyone thinks your an idiot, you can't take it back, and other bad consequences. So on my blogish journal, I can't write everything and that's annoying because sometimes I really want to. Oh well. Onward.

Mondays have a terrible reputation in the world of being, well, terrible. And I daresay that today, Monday lived up to it's reputation. Jerk. I worked, ya know, walkin dogs and stuff like I do. At some point I went over to the McGuire's and talked to Mama for a while.That's where I nabbed this bad-boy (picture not the bee. . .I'm a-scared of bees)

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