Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8-A Day in the Life of a Modern Day Poop Scooper

Today I got a new lawn to clean up, it's kinda far, BUT it's worth it. I mean, I do one in Pleasant Grove, but it's kind of a joke. I drive all the way up there, and the lawn is incredibly easy to clean. I honestly have no idea why they hire someone to do it. It takes me all of 8 minutes to do. Eh. Whatevs. ;) But this one is not easy.

I arrived at the house a little earlier than I had expected, and was welcomed very kindly by the owner. She led me to the backyard where I saw two cute little dogs. They were so sweet! And then I saw two more, also sweet, then two more. .also sweet. But lots of dogs means lots of poop. I began to do my work, which is super fun and I'm sure you all envy me.
. . .lots of poop. It took me a while, and to keep my mind busy I decided to name the dogs. One followed me around keeping a constant eye on me, I named him Ranger. The others I called Fiesta, Eddy, Snow, Ed, and squeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaak. 

Something kept squeaking and distracting me from my dog-naming! How annoying, right? I ignored it at first, but it kept happening again and again. I finally looked to see a little doggy door on top of a ramp. Dogs were coming in and out almost nonstop. Then it hit me. The only dog that has really stayed within my sights was Ranger. All the others were running around and whatnot. They all looked the exact same too. I counted again, seven. How can one dog just appear out of nowhere? And then I realized that for all I know there could be a zillion little dogs living here. . .pooping here.


I finished the yard, but I always do a second sweep-through to gather any "stragglers". Usually there's one or two, but with this yard, there was just as much poo the second time as there was the first. Boo. So I did it a third time. Same thing. Could I really be this careless? I re-did the yard 5 times before calling it quits. I think there were like 40,000 dogs all coming out and re-pooping on the places that I had cleaned. That's the only logical explanation.

This is what happens when I drive all day
I'm glad I could keep you entertained with a story about scooping up dog poo. Either I don't have a life or you don't. Or neither of us do. Anyway, as a reward here's a link to Mama's project 365. She was so punny today!! Denise's blog :)

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