Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 17-Impromptu Audition

Firstly, I know I skipped the 15th, but I'll make it to you, I promise! Somehow. . .maybe. Anyway, today I went shopping with my sister and picked up a new shirt and saweet shades. I felt cool.
This is how awesomely gaudy I was
After that I accompanied my friend Jake at an audition for Aida at the Scera. Wellllllll, I don't know what happened, but I was there, and I just suddenly wanted to audition too. . .? There are a few things to do and not do at auditions. DO dress nicely. DON'T wear everyday whatevs clothes. DO accessorize subtly or not at all. DON'T wear 500 pounds of your most flashy jewelry and a twenties feather headband. DO find an accompaniment or CD. DON'T sing a Capella or accompany yourself. And so on. . I turned in my little resume-less paper slip, introduced myself (in my fancy jewelry, jeans, and tennis shoes), and proceeded to the piano where I sang a pop-song and improvised the piano part. I'm so smart. . .

But, hey, totally got called back. Hopefully for a dancer, because that would be WAY fun. I won't be too hurt if I don't get in, though, because I wasn't even planning on trying. :)

Anyway, then Spencer (who made me the cutest/coolest book ever as a late birthday present!!!!!!!) Andrew (who tuned a guitar using physics. I can explain how if you're dying to know) Steve (who's Steve) Stephanie (the Peruvian), and Abby (aka Abigail the Avenger) made a horror movie trailer. It was pretty fun. :)

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