Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5-Thank-you-mony

Totally unrelated picture of an elephant I folded using a $10 bill, unfortunately, it wasn't my $10 bill.

Today was Fast Sunday, and consequently testimony meeting during church. Skyler pointed out to me that at his church, they steer clear from "thank-you-monies" and instead try to fill the hour with real testimonies of the Gospel. I think that's pretty cool :) My ward does not do that, but that's okay too. Okay, I'm losing focus here. Anyway, in Relief Society we opened the floor for about fifteen minutes or so at the end of class where sisters could share thoughts and what-not. There were a lot of thank-you-monies, a ton really. But it was amazing. Because the heartfelt thanks that these sisters were offering were just saturated to the core with the Spirit and love. In fact, I think I will share a story of one of my neighbors.

Her son was home from his mission, and like a lot of return missionaries found the love of his life. It was really sweet. They were so full of love for each other! After they were married, they moved into a house near his family's and started their lives together. They were happy. For about five months they lived there, content with the challenges of being newly weds, full of love for each other, and living life.

 September 2009
"Police say 24-year-old Richard Case and his 19-year-old wife, Molly Ann Case, stopped at a 7-Eleven store at 206 N. Main Street around 11:45 a.m. for refreshments. They were taking a break from target shooting and camping in Hobble Creek Canyon.
Kimberley Steele stood behind the young bride in line. 'They just looked like they were in there buying candy and snacks and going to go out and, you know, have fun. It didn't appear that they were fighting or anything,' she said.
That's when police say things went horribly wrong.
'As they went back to the car, he opened the car door and a .22 caliber revolver fell out. And when it did, it hit the ground and discharged,' said Lt. Dave Caron with the Springville Police Department. 'Then he looked at her and realized that something was wrong. She kind of lifted her shirt and looked down, and then fainted.'
Steele says it was a frightening sight. 'He was standing over her screaming that this was his wife, that his wife had been shot, and he was just hysterical,' she said."
Unfortunately, after being rushed to the hospital, Molly died.
I remember this. I remember going to the funeral, hugging the family members, mourning with them. It was a sad time. But the sister said her thank-you-mony today. She thanked all the ward members for their prayers and support. It was really incredible to hear her, and she brought such a spirit of love into the room. And then more sisters shared their thank-you-monies, and it was just incredible.

Anyway, I think that maybe on Fast Sunday we should have a testimony meeting, where people really share what they know about the Gospel, and then a separate thank-you-mony meeting. .because those are great too.

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